이 페이지에서는 다양한 시나리오의 구현을 위해 Scenario Runner에서 OpenSCENARIO에 추가하거나 수정한 요소를 정리한다. 각 항목은 해당 요소에 대한 정의 및 사용예시로 구성되어 있다.
추가된 요소
Pedestrian Property
Pedestrian 이라는 Scenario Object 를 생성 할때, Property 의 값으로 Pedestrian 의 Animation 이 동작 조건을 정의한다. 동작 조건은 Ego 와의 거리와 Animation 이 동작 했을 때이며, 동작 이후의 거리를 정의한다.
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
activeDistance | string | 1..1 | Ego 와 의 일정 거리에서, Pedestrian Animation 조정 |
moveDistance | string | 1..1 | Pedestrian Animation 의 동작 거리 |
<Property name="activeDistance" value="20"/>
<Property name="moveDistance" value="30"/>
MiscObject Property
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
moving_obstacle | string | 1…1 | TCR On / Off |
<Property name="moving_obstacle" value="true"/>
Triggers to stop a simulation and Returns a result of the simulation. (None, Success, Failure)
When there isn’t any condition group, it wouldn’t be triggered and returns None.
Element | Cardinality | Description |
SuccessConditionGroup | 0..* | At least one success condition group should be triggered to succeed the simulation. |
FailureConditionGroup | 0..* | All failure condition groups should not be triggered to succeed the simulation. |
<Condition name="Ego_position" delay="0" conditionEdge="once">
<TriggeringEntities triggeringEntitiesRule="any">
<EntityRef entityRef="Ego" />
<DistanceCondition value="5.0" freespace="false" rule="lessThan">
<RelativeObjectPosition entityRef="Stop_Point" dx="0" dy="0" />
<Condition name="Ego_position_limit" delay="0" conditionEdge="none">
<TriggeringEntities triggeringEntitiesRule="any">
<EntityRef entityRef="Ego" />
<DistanceCondition value="500.0" freespace="false" rule="lessThan">
<RelativeObjectPosition entityRef="Stop_Point" dx="0" dy="0" />
<Condition name="Collision_occured" delay="0" conditionEdge="once">
<UserDefinedValueCondition name="collision" rule="equalTo" value="true" />
MORAI에서 사용하는 MGeo 데이터의 Link를 활용한 Position을 정의한다.
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
id | string | 1..1 | link id |
index | unsigned int | 1..1 | link 내 point index |
<Route name="NPC_1_Route" closed="false" afterCompletion="hide">
<Waypoint routeStrategy="shortest">
<LinkPosition id="A219BS010381" index="2"/>
<Waypoint routeStrategy="shortest">
<LinkPosition id="A219BS010402"/>
<Waypoint routeStrategy="shortest">
<LinkPosition id="A219BS010422"/>
<Waypoint routeStrategy="shortest">
<LinkPosition id="A219BS010073" index="10"/>
RoutePosition에서 Link Position을 활용할 수 있도록 추가된 요소이다.
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
id | string | 1..1 | link id |
index | unsigned int | 1..1 | link 내 point index |
<RouteRef />
<Orienation />
<FromLinkCoordinates id=_3_0_L1_ index="2" />
Trajectory 의 Shape 은 다항식으로 표현되며, 다항식의 차수(degree) 결정해야 한다.
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
degree | unsigned short | 1..1 | 다항식의 차수(계수) [1차 ~5 차] |
verticies | list | 1..1 | 각 Vertex 의 List 정의 |
<Trajectory closed="false" name="trajectory_name">
<Spline degree="2">
<Vertex time="5">
<LinkPosition id="48638" index="100"/>
<Vertex time="5">
<LinkPosition id="48650" index="66"/>
Simulator 관련 정보를 정의하기 위해 SimulatorInfo 요소를 정의한다.
Element | Cardinality | Description |
ScenarioFile | 1..1 | 로드할 MORAI SIM built-in 시나리오 파일 이름 정의 |
Map | 1..1 | 로드할 MORAI SIM 맵 이름 정의 |
<ScenarioFile name="1.json" />
<Map name="V_RHT_HighwayJunction_1" />
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
name | string | 1..1 | ID of the parking space in MGeo. |
type | enum | 1..1 | Parking methods ('parallel’, ‘rear’, ‘front’) |
action | enum | 1..1 | ‘park’: to park at the parking space |
<Action name="Parking_Action">
<ParkingAction name="P002079" type="parallel" action="park" />
Spawns pedestrian objects.
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
radius | double | 1..1 | Radius of spawn area (not implemented) |
count | integer | 0..1 | Maximum spawn pedestrians (default: 1e6) |
period | double | 0..1 | Period on which pedestrians appear at the source location (sec). (default: 1 sec) |
mode | enum | 1..1 | Defines behavior of a spawned pedestrian. |
pedestrianType | string
| 0..1 | Defines type(model) of a spawned pedestrian. |
Element | Cardinality | Description |
Position | 1..1 | Position of the spawn area |
Waypoint | 0..1 | Target location of spawned pedestrians |
<PedestrianSourceAction radius="10" count="5" period="10"
mode="closedLoop" pedestrianType="random" >
<WorldPosition x="307.426506536839" y=" 118.975891092156" z="0.15"/>
<Waypoint routeStrategy="random">
<WorldPosition x="314.494013321081" y="191.865" z="0.15" h="0.0" p="0.0" r="0.0"/>
Creates a puddle at the given position. The puddle area has scaled friction.
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
name | string | 1..1 | ID of a puddle |
positionX | double | 1..1 | The x coordinate value. (unit: m) |
positionY | double | 1..1 | The y coordinate value. (unit: m) |
positionZ | double | 1..1 | The z coordinate value. (unit: m) |
rotationX | double | 1..1 | The roll angle of the object, defining a mathematically positive rotation about the x-axis (unit: deg) |
rotationY | double | 1..1 | The pitch angle of the object, defining a mathematically positive rotation about the y-axis (unit: deg) |
rotationZ | double | 1..1 | The yaw angle of the object, defining a mathematically positive rotation about the z-axis (unit: deg) |
radiusH | double | 1..1 | Horizontal radius of the puddle (unit: m) |
radiusV | double | 1..1 | Vertical radius of the puddle (unit: m) |
height | double | 1..1 | Height of the puddle (unit: m) |
friction | double | 1..1 | Multiplier of the friction on the puddle (range: [0..1]) |
<CreatePuddleAction name="Puddle_1" positionX="20.2" positionY="17.6" positionZ="0.19"
rotationX="0.0" rotationY="0.0" rotationZ="90.0"
radiusH="1.5" radiusV="2.0" height="0.01" friction="0.1" />
Activate or deactivate Map Object in simulation.
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
name | string | 1..1 | ID of the map object to be activated or deactivated. |
activation | boolean | 1..1 | true: Activate map object. |
<ActivateMapObjectAction name="Puddle_1" activation="false" />
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
entityRef | string | 1..1 | ID of entity to inject fault |
Injects a type-wise damage to the actors. The corresponding state would be maintained as it was when the action was activated.
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
type | enum | 1..1 | Damage type (currently, ‘fire’ is the only option) |
<Action name="Fire_Action">
<FaultInjectionAction entityRef="Ego">
<DamageAction type="fire" />
Injects a type-wise Inoperability to the actors. The corresponding state would be maintained as it was when the action was activated.
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
type | enum | 1..1 | Fault type (accel, brake, steer) |
<Action name="Steering_Fault_Action">
<FaultInjectionAction entityRef="Ego">
<InoperabilityAction type="steer" />
Injects an sensor fault to a sensor. The sensor would be shifted by the given offsets.
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
name | string | 1..1 | ID of a sensor in MGeo |
active | boolean | 1..0 | true: publish sensor data false: stop publishing sensor data |
offsetX | double | 1..0 | Artificial translation offset of the sensor in X coordinate |
offsetY | double | 1..0 | Artificial translation offset of the sensor in Y coordinate |
offsetZ | double | 1..0 | Artificial translation offset of the sensor in Z coordinate |
offsetP | double | 1..0 | Artificial rotation offset of the sensor about the X axis |
offsetQ | double | 1..0 | Artificial rotation offset of the sensor about the Y axis |
offsetR | double | 1..0 | Artificial rotation offset of the sensor about the Z axis |
<Action name="Sensor_Fault_Action">
<FaultInjectionAction entityRef="Ego">
<SensorFaultAction name="3" active="true" offsetX="1" offsetY="1" offsetZ="1"
offsetP="1" offsetQ="1" offsetR="1" />
Injects a steering disturbance to actors.
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
duration | double | 1..1 | Duration of the fault. (unit: sec , range: [0..inf]) |
magnitude | double | 1..1 | Magnitude of the fault. (range: [-1..1]) |
<Action name="Steering_Disturbance_Action">
<FaultInjectionAction entityRef="Ego">
<SteeringDisturbanceAction duration="12.5" magnitude="0.8" />
Injects a tire fault to actors.
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
tireIndex | enum | 1..1 | Index of a tire of the actors ( 0, 1, 2, 3, … ) |
<Action name="Tire_Fault_Action">
<FaultInjectionAction entityRef="Ego">
<TireFaultAction tireIndex="3" />
수정된 요소
afterCompletion 속성을 추가로 정의하여 경로 주행 후 동작을 정의한다.
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
name | string | 1..1 | Name of the route. |
closed | boolean | 1..1 | In a closed route, the last waypoint is followed by the first waypoint to create a closed route. |
afterCompletion | enum | 1..1 | Behavior after arriving at the target waypoint |
Element | Cardinality | Description |
ParameterDeclarations | 0..* | Definition of additional parameters. |
Waypoints | 2..* | At least two waypoints are needed to define a route. |
<Route name="NPC_1_Route" closed="false" afterCompletion="hide">
<Waypoint routeStrategy="shortest">
<LinkPosition id="A219BS010381" index="2"/>
<Waypoint routeStrategy="shortest">
<LinkPosition id="A219BS010402"/>
<Waypoint routeStrategy="shortest">
<LinkPosition id="A219BS010422"/>
<Waypoint routeStrategy="shortest">
<LinkPosition id="A219BS010073" index="10"/>
MGeo 상에 정의된 Link Speed 및 속도의 오차범위를 추가로 정의한다.
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
value | double | 1..1 | Value of the absolute speed. |
type (added) | enum | 0..1 | Type of the defined speed. ( ‘link’, ‘custom’ ) |
range (added) | double | 0..1 | Range of the speed |
<AbsoluteTargetSpeed type="link" value="0.05" />
<AbsoluteTargetSpeed type="custom" value="-15" range="5" />
<AbsoluteTargetSpeed type="link" value="0.9" range="0.05" />
MGeo 상에 정의된 Link Speed 및 상대속도의 오차범위를 추가로 정의한다.
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
continuous | boolean | 1..1 | True: a controller tries to maintain a continuous relative speed (not implemented) |
entityRef | string | 1..1 | Reference entity |
speedTargetValueType | enum | 1..1 | The value is either a delta or a factor. |
value | double | 1..1 | Value of the relative speed. This value is either given as a delta or as a factor. |
type (added) | enum | 0..1 | Type of the defined speed. ( ‘link’, ‘custom’ ) |
range (added) | double | 0..1 | Range of the speed |
<RelativeTargetSpeed continuous="false" entityRef="Ego" speedTaretValueType="delta"
type="link" value="0.05" />
<RelativeTargetSpeed continuous="false" entityRef="Ego" speedTaretValueType="delta"
type="custom" value="-15" range="5" />
<RelativeTargetSpeed continuous="false" entityRef="Ego" speedTaretValueType="factor"
type="custom" value="1.1" range="0.05" />
<RelativeTargetSpeed continuous="true" entityRef="Ego" speedTaretValueType="factor"
type="link" value="0.9" range="0.05" />
OpenScenario 에서와는 달리 각 Vehicle Distribution 마다 Controller를 지정하지 않아도 된다.
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
name | string | 1..1 | Name of the traffic definition. |
Element | Cardinality | Description |
VehicleCategoryDistribution | 1..1 | Distribution of vehicle categories within the traffic. |
ControllerDistribution | 0..1 | Distribution of controllers within this traffic. |
<TrafficDefinition name="TrafficDefinition_1">
<VehicleCategoryDistributionEntry model="2016_Hyundai_Ioniq" weight="1" />
차량의 카테고리 또는 특정 모델을 지정하여 정의할 수 있다.
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
model (added) | string | 0..1 | Model name of the vehicle which is implemented in MORAI SIM: Drive. If it’s specified, ‘category’ would be ignored. Either ‘model’ or ‘category’ is required. |
category (modified) | enum | 0..1 | The category of the vehicles that appear in traffic. |
weight | double | 1..1 | The weight of a vehicle category within a traffic distribution. [0..inf] |
<TrafficDefinition name="TrafficDefinition_1">
<VehicleCategoryDistributionEntry model="2016_Hyundai_Ioniq" weight="1" />
<TrafficDefinition name="TrafficDefinition_2">
<VehicleCategoryDistributionEntry category="compact" weight="1" />
<VehicleCategoryDistributionEntry category="middle" weight="1" />
<VehicleCategoryDistributionEntry category="large" weight="1" />
<TrafficDefinition name="TrafficDefinition_3">
<VehicleCategoryDistributionEntry model="2016_Hyundai_Ioniq" weight="1" />
<VehicleCategoryDistributionEntry category="mini" weight="1" /> <!-- would be ignored -->
교차로 신호 Phase를 변경한다. Phase 요소를 하위에 정의하여 교차로 신호 Phase 정의 자체를 변경할 수도 있고, Phase 요소 없이 phase 속성만 정의하여 현재 신호만 변경할 수도 있다.
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
trafficSignalControllerRef | string | 1..1 | ID of the intersection controller in MGeo. |
phase (modified) | unsigned int | 1..1 | The phase of the signal controller would be changed to the given value (0, 1, 2, …) |
PhaseRef (deleted) | string | 0..0 | reference to pre-defined Phase |
Element | Cardinality | Description |
Phase (moved) | 0..1 | (According to OpenSCENARIO, It should be defined under RoadNetwork. Now it is directly defined under the action.) |
<TrafficSignalControllerAction trafficSignalControllerRef="IntTL1" phase="1" />
<!-- The phase of "IntTL1" would be changed to phase "1" -->
<TrafficSignalControllerAction trafficSignalControllerRef="IntTL1" phase="1">
<Phase name="phase1" duration="5">
<TrafficSignalState trafficSignalId="C119BS010034" state="G_with_GLeft"/>
<TrafficSignalState trafficSignalId="C119BS010072" state="R"/>
<TrafficSignalState trafficSignalId="C119BS010033" state="R"/>
<Phase name="phase2" duration="5">
<TrafficSignalState trafficSignalId="C119BS010034" state="R"/>
<TrafficSignalState trafficSignalId="C119BS010072" state="G_with_GLeft"/>
<TrafficSignalState trafficSignalId="C119BS010033" state="R"/>
<Phase name="phase3" duration="5">
<TrafficSignalState trafficSignalId="C119BS010034" state="R"/>
<TrafficSignalState trafficSignalId="C119BS010072" state="R"/>
<TrafficSignalState trafficSignalId="C119BS010033" state="G_with_GLeft"/>
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
name (modified) | string | 1..1 | ID of the signal in MGeo. |
state (modified) | enum | 1..1 | Targeted state of the signal. The available states are listed in TrafficSignal list of |
impulse (added) | boolean | 1..1 | true: return to the phase cycle, |
setSibling (added) | boolean | 1..1 | true: change all synced signals, |
<TrafficSignalStateAction name="C119BS010034" state="SG" impulse="false" setSibling="false"/>
Spawns vehicle objects. Several attributes are added for the compatibility with MORAI SIM: Drive
Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description |
radius | double | 1..1 | Radius of spawn area (not implemented) |
velocity | double | 0..1 | Initial velocity of spawned vehicles (m/s). It would be ignored when ‘InitSpeed’ is defiend. |
count | integer | 0..1 | Maximum spawn vehicles (default: 1e6) |
rate | double | 0..1 * | Rate on which vehicles appear at the source location (vehicles/s). It would be ignored when ‘Period’ is defined |
period | double | 0..1 * | Period on which vehicles appear at the source location (sec). Either ‘rate’ or ‘period’ is required. |
periodRange | double | 0..1 | Range of the period (sec) |
offset | double | 0..1 | Signed number the vehicle should respect as an offset from the center of the current lane. [-1..1] |
offsetRange | double | 0..1 | Range of the offset [0..1] |
closedLoop | bool | 0..1 | True: spawned vehicles would come back to the spawn location. False: vehicles would be disappear at their target location. |
discretionaryLaneChange | bool | 0..1 | True: a spawned vehicle would change its lane randomly. False: the vehicle would keep its initial lane. |
Element | Cardinality | Description |
Position | 1..1 | Position of the spawn area |
InitSpeed | 1..1 | Initial speed of spawned vehicles |
DesiredSpeed | 0..1 | Desired speed of spawned vehicles |
Waypoint | 0..1 | Target location of spawned vehicles |
TrafficDefinition | 1..1 | Defines the vehicle and controller distribution for the source. |
<TrafficSourceAction radius="10" count="5" period="10" periodRange="5"
offset="0" offsetRange="0.1"
closedLoop="false" discretionaryLaneChange="true" >
<LinkPosition id="A219BS010313" index="0"/>
<AbsoluteTargetSpeed type="link" value="0.35" range="0.05"/>
<AbsoluteTargetSpeed type="custom" value="55" range="15"/>
<Waypoint routeStrategy="random">
<LinkPosition id="A219BS010319" index="280"/>
<TrafficDefinition name="TrafficDefinition_1">
<VehicleCategoryDistributionEntry model="2014_Kia_K7" weight="1" />
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